Monday, October 29, 2012

life with a baby

so sorry i've been gone for so long. i am very fortunate that i've been able to take a longer break than originally planned to spend lots of time with little oliver. we had guests all summer which was SO wonderful, but when they all went home we had to get ourselves back to real life. it took awhile before we could get into a routine that worked for us (he likes being awake...all the time!) and for me personally, it's been hard not only being a new mom, but a new mom in such a different land and so far away from family and friends.

luckily the past few weeks have been much better, with oliver sleeping through almost the whole night, and two naps during the day. he and i go on walks with the pram or sometimes out to meet expat friends or mothers' groups. we have become this mini-team, and we charge forth with our daily tasks that we accomplish together.

i can already see him growing up so much already, i try and memorize every moment of joy he brings into my life. even though he can't stay little forever, i know every day brings brand new memories and the happiest of smiles, and i wouldn't trade it for the world.

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