1. chris and i went to copenhangen and london with a mini stop in helsingborg, sweden too! it was all UH-MAY-ZING. (i'm surprised we even came back ;)
2. chris turned 30 so besides joining him in europe, i threw him a photo scavenger hunt/photo reenactment birthday party, followed by dinner at brasa and drinks & games at chatterbox.
3. i also turned 30 so chris, dana, and lauren (with help from mike and hieu) threw me a HUGE loft party complete with a red&aqua theme, puppy movies & rockband projected on a screen, frost your own cupcakes, italian food, a paparazzi wall, and...the EASTER BUNNY.
4. i started and completed a super fun pottery throwing class through the minneapolis community ed program with melissa and leah. i successfully mis-dated one of my pieces the year "2100."
5. i took a textile center class with melissa (thanks again, friend!) her cute mom and elisa at the textile center on dyeing wool felt with kool-aid and hand sewing woodland creatures. i made an eye-patch-wearing embroidered pirate bunny.
6. i have been working...A LOT. and it sadly makes me really tired.
7. to offset the pain of working, i have been trying to eat better (for me ;) and get exercise, so after losing 2 pounds already, i am starting to feel pretty great!
8. i've discovered this cuteoverload baby sloth post and it makes me SOOOOO HAPPY!!! when you watch the video my absolute FAVORITE part is when they show this lil guy above for the 2nd time. AHHH, SO FREAKIN' CUTE!!!
wishing a very good night to everyone and sweet dreams!
ps. did you think that i had posted a picture of an actual baby sloth in my own yard as my blog update? i just figured this would be cuter than stock clipart of a jagged highlighted alarm clock symbolizing time passing by and my lack of posts as of late ;P
pps. if you are still reading this, i truly thank you and would like to extend a virtual high five in your general direction. way to stick it out, this is a lot of writing--even for me.