Monday, December 28, 2009
happy holidays

artwork by yours truly,
say cheese
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
nib necklaces

seen on the daily candy girls' gift guide
Friday, December 4, 2009
ducks in a row

i've already registered for the ninja of the month club and baggu giveaway and it's only the beginning of december. even if i don't win, it's been really great reading the designers' stories behind all their work. and that new baggu duck bag is freakin' cute and looks super useful. so...maybe santa could wrap 8 presents for me, one in each color bag! or maybe he could wrap 7 bags inside 1 bag! ok, even no present in 1 bag would be greatly appreciated. thanks santa! (or lady luck of the draw :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
robin's egg blue

oh, i was also busy last month buying this lovely gift for myself. the second i saw it in the san francisco store window i fell in love, and now [after a kate spade sale] it's finally mine...yippee!
(and yes, it matches my kitchenaid stand mixer)

it's been a busy time since i last wrote...we had 2 BIG weddings (congrats dana + mike! yay steph + court!), i dislocated my kneecap (my hyper-mobility means no surgery needed, but no driving or snowboarding for awhile either...boo), finished steph + court's thank you cards, then designed notecards [and screenprinted onesies with dana] for finch's holiday time boutique (come stop by this weekend!). and in between all that, chris and i have been slooooooowly trying to purge our house. PHEW.
you may think that i have been too busy to share my (obviously amazing) stories with the world but i have been tweeting away, so if you miss me lots you can always see what i'm up to. in the likely event that you don't want to go to twitter (it's ok, most people don't) i promise to post again really soon.
Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009
mike + dana

here's to 2 of my most favorite friends in the world...i love you and will see you at the wedding, YAY :)
big hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
artwork by yours truly,
say cheese
flat cat

handmade with love,
say cheese
Thursday, September 17, 2009
prize ribbons

pic 1: small stump pic 2: small stump pic 3: full house pic 4: decor8
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
shakeit, shakeit, shakeit
i downloaded the lite version of shakeit to my [new] iphone [which i LOVE] and it lets you shake your phone to speed up "processing" and gives your photos tinted edges and white borders. (these are from my sleepover weekend with dana...we assembled 315 bundles of utensils, then stood around and admired her lovely rehearsal dinner dress)
say cheese
Sunday, September 13, 2009
we're back + i heart lomo
while in NYC, we randomly stumbled upon the lomography gallery store (the only one in the US!) and after browsing for ages, i bought myself a mini diana...it was just released weeks before, in red & aqua packaging, and was SO freakin' cute! as we walked central park, chris pointed out that counting our iphones, we now had 6 cameras between us. SIX! so that's why we have so many pictures to sort through :)
say cheese
Monday, August 31, 2009
nyc, how i love thee

have a great long weekend!
say cheese
Thursday, August 27, 2009
loop by the yard

anna ruby king

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
sandbox theatre benefit party

Monday, August 17, 2009
missy + peter

like the original plan, they ended up being cream, shades of pink and gray, printed on stardream shimmer cardstock. inside the outer-most envelope was a cream folder wrapped in a silver band. once the folder was opened, the invitation was found on the right side, and a pocket containing the RSVP card, map/directions card, and accommodations card was found on the left side. i think they turned out beautifully and am so glad to hear that mis and many of her guests think so too!
cheers to you classy lady...a little over a month til the big day!!! xoxo!
artwork by yours truly,
say cheese
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
luft balloons

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
yellow owl workshop

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
no one should have to live life without a tiny bathtub

yay friend, you're the best!!! (wrong answer)
say cheese
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
becca's knitted bike tube

(the fun jumper i'm wearing is a from their voltage line and bought at design collective. bonnie is an amazing seamstress so i love owning something she sewed up, hidden pocket and all!)
handmade with love,
say cheese
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