my talented friend catherine left the corporate world not long ago to run her letterpress and design studio printerette press full time, and i couldn't be more proud of her!!! she is a fun and sweet person and amazing at designing beautiful stationery...i am so glad she is using her many skills to do what she loves. she knows i also have a great love for letterpress and has been helping me get reacquainted with running a printing press which has been so fun. (i took a class at the minnesota center for book arts last year which was fantastic) PLUS, she also worked with me on a top secret project which i will post about later :)
she is currently at the national stationery show in NYC at booth #1467 (which from the photo she posted looks super cute and amazing!) stop by and visit her if you're around and give her a big hug for me!
[photos from printerette]
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