Wednesday, January 7, 2009


ok, i have been seriously playing with my new poladroid app for the past 2 hours (yes, i wish i could use my real one all the time, but this is a nice and affordable way to have some easy polaroid fun)...i read about it on my cute friend (ok, she's kara's cute friend ;) abby's blog lovey dovey (which in itself is a really colorful and beautiful blog you should check out) so THANK YOU ABBY, this is so freakin' fun.

just download poladroid, drag your pictures over the icon, listen to the satisfying clicking, and watch it develop before your very eyes!


Lovey Dovey said...

glad you like poladroid! it's pretty amazing..and addicting..i use it all the time now on my blog! hope you are doing well!

rhymeswithfun said...

i saw poladroid written about on daily candy and trend central shortly after i posted this. you are ahead of the trend my friend!