Monday, January 5, 2009

save handmade.

Save Handmade Toys

the more i read about the consumer product safety improvement act (CPSIA) i cannot believe that instead of focusing on ways to regulate large toy companies (ie. to avoid issues like the lead scare coming out of toys manufactured in china) they are trying to create regulations that will basically prohibit any independent or small-business entity from being allowed to create and sell amazing handmade toys, clothes, and other wonderful items for children without paying for thousands of dollars worth of testing to prove that their items are not toxic. even though an average person in an average house would probably NOT AT ALL be exposed to any sort of toxins that would have been found in a factory anyway!

what will happen to etsy...or craft fairs! will handmade items soon be delegated to a black market of plush toys and knit baby hats???

i am in no way an expert, so please check out handmade toy alliance or coolmompicks or to learn more information. hopefully this act can get turned around, or amended in a way that will allow crafters and artists to keep on doing what they do best.

thanks so much for listening.

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